We go back to 1945, it´s the end of the war. An article "As we may think" was published - "Based upon all the reserach we done we the new deals. We know that machines cannot only be mechanical device, passive intellectual device. We know that machines can act intellectual". How would such a machine look? It was a systematic conjuction of summary of the research up to that date. He visualised the machine with interactive carts where poeple could interact with eachother. Physichal carts that contained intellectual information and augment this. The machine let people operate on that information.
Engelbart - A research center for augmenting human intellect. A machine working for autmenting human intellect. This was everything that is on our computers today. View him here http://sloan.stanford.edu/mousesite/1968Demo.html. The video shows every key aspect of the machines we use today. An understanding that we need to show and hide different layers, multimedia capacity on the screen. A machine that augments the intellect the machine itself and how such a machine would be built. What can we then do with augmenting the information in schools?
How do we get children to do things that they have never done before Seymour Papert.
Alan Kay published on the same conference. How must the machine look for the kids? iPad 1 to 1 1970s. (Puentedura emphazises that this IS NOT A SPECULATIVE piece of work). This is how they thought these machines must look based on research.
The SAMR Model:
We need to take the theory and background in mind when we think of education today. Look at what these researchers discovered.
Curricular design and adress the issues mentioned above. From replacement to transformation.
Podcast on iTunes U: http://tinyurl.com/aswemayteach
Four levels:
Don´t expect changes if you do the same thing you´ve always done. The Substitution level.
Augmentation level - Tech acts as a substitution but with small functional improvements.
Modification level - Tech allows for significant task design. Tool can be used for thinking and discussion. The function of the tool is changing the learning. Here is where you are start seeing medium effects sizes.
(Now let´s think of Seymour - what can we get kid to get to theorems they couldn´t perform in ways they couldn´t do before).
Redefinition - The level that creates workspaces, living, recombining and new understanding of learning.
Hehe, want more bang for the buck - Go up the ladder.

Actual classroom scenario:
Substitution level: Create a webpage with the same information as they have offline. Don´t expect much change. (Shakespeare - Macbeth)
Augmentation level: When you use the same page as before - but you link to Flickr or pictures that weren´t accessible from the textbook. What is being performed with Shakespeare?
Modification level: Get kids to understand the meaning of Macbeth. Bring in visual components to visualize text in different ways. Colour and layout. Wordle.net.
Redefinition: Let the kids go to places where they couldn´t go before. Storytelling, Youtube, Augmented reality. Let them go to the places, perform where Shakespeare performed. Second life, Google SketchUp
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